Perhaps you're afraid of the dentist and don't like a typical dentist's office setting. Maybe you've gone to a standard dentist your entire life and simply aren't satisfied with the level of care you've received. Either way, you may find yourself in the market for something different; that is to say, a holistic dentist.
If you're unfamiliar with holistic dentistry, or are just beginning to research it, it's understandable if you don't know where to start. Holistic dentistry offers a very different experience from standard dentistry...and that's a good thing. Let's look into this practice, and whether it might be right for you.
A holistic dentist, just like any other dentist, wishes to help their patients care for and treat their teeth... they've just chosen to adopt alternative dentistry practices compared to those used by typical dentists. What this means is that they apply the principles of holistic medicine specifically to dentistry. Holistic medicine is essentially all-encompassing, meaning that the medical professionals practicing it believe that your overall health will affect your dental health.
Usually, this involves using natural remedies in order to treat your dental problems. In order to enter holistic dentistry, you still need to be a trained and qualified dentist proper. A holistic dentist is usually a general dentist, with a dental degree and license. They do not practice in dental fields related to surgery or cosmetics, instead, focusing on more generalized care, like preventing and treating cavities and strengthening your teeth.
When practicing holistic dentistry, your dentist will often focus on teaching you how to care for your teeth in the best way possible, without applying the standard medicines or treatments. For example, a holistic dentist may help you pick the best floss or toothbrush, and teach you to use the brushing techniques recommended by the American Dental Association, such as using a 45-degree angle.
They may also get more involved, recommending herbal medicines and treatments for your teeth, changes in your diet, homeopathy, spiritual healing, and even cold laser treatment. This can be done to treat temporomandibular disorders. Usually, they don't recommend fluoride treatments, and often do not practice the same deep-cleaning techniques that traditional dentists would.
Holistic dentistry isn't right for everyone, but it could help you take a dramatic new approach to your dental health. If you're ready to make a great difference in your life, call us to set up your appointment today!
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