Composite/Bonded Restorations
These types of restorations, otherwise known as non-metallic fillings, are the alternative to amalgam restoration. Composite fillings are comprised of a tooth-colored resin material. These composite filling materials are bonded to the tooth. The bonding occurs through first cleaning out the prepared tooth, adding a layer of bonding material to the prepped tooth, and then placing and bonding the composite to the tooth.
The advantages of composite restorations are non-toxic metals, blended natural aesthetics, and minimal tooth preparation.
Mercury-Silver Amalgam Fillings
Having been in use in dentistry for 165 years, mercury alloy restorations are 42.5% mercury. The remaining percentage is silver, cooper, tin, and zinc. As a vapor, metallic mercury could be inhaled and absorbed through the alveoli in the lungs at 80% efficiency. It is the main route of entry of mercury into the human body, whereas the absorption of pieces of metallic mercury through skin or via the gastrointestinal tract is very poor. Thus, during the removal of the amalgam-mercury fillings is when the patient has an excessive exposure to mercury.
Mercury is a known and documented neurotoxin. This means that mercury causes damage to the nerve tissue. Here is a list of some of the common symptoms of mercury toxicity developing from mercury fillings.
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Breathlessness
- Persistent cough
- Bad breath
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic fatigue
- Poor memory
- Difficulty multitasking
- Inability to concentrate
- Difficulty in finding words
- Lack of motivation
- MS
- Heart disease
Thankfully, Dr. Udoff has a tried-and-true approach for safely removing amalgam restorations. He follows the SMART protocol.
Due to mercury vapor being released from removal of amalgam fillings, we use equipment to minimize the removal of amalgam restorations. Here are the steps our team takes to elevate success:
- We use an oral high-volume air filtration system to remove mercury vapor aerosol particles from the work area
- We use an amalgam separator to remove any amalgam fragments that could enter the environment
- We use a high-speed evacuation system to catch/prevent the ingestion of amalgam particles, as well as a rubber dam
- We use large amounts of water to keep the tooth and the restoration cool
- We cut restorations into chunks to minimize expose to mercury vapor
- We protect patients with gowns to minimize the contamination of clothes
- Dr. Udoff and his assistant will both wear personal protective attire, including charcoal impregnated face respirators
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